Real Boxing 2

Real Boxing 2: Support

Please let us know what seems to be an issue.

We value our players and your experience is the most important thing to us

By filing the form and submitting your request you disclose to us your personal data: account ID email ("Data"). We shall process this Data in order to contact you in respect of your submission. The legal basis for such processing shall be your consent as well as legitimate interests of both you and us. We shall not transfer your Data to third parties, it shall be disclosed only to our personnel which needs to know your Data in order to contact you. We may however disclose your Data to our affiliates (companies controlled by Vivid Games) and their personnel. ...

Your Data shall be stored for a period necessary to evaluate your application and contact you in respect of your submission if solving your problem will require such contact. At any time you may request us to have access to your Data. You may request the Data to be corrected or transferred. You may also request to erase your Data, restrict the processing of Data or object to such processing as well as withdraw your consent to processing of the Data (it will not affect processing performed when the consent was in force however).

Keep in mind however, that dealing with your submission requires your Data to be processed as described herein. If you object to processing of your Data, request the Data to be erased or withdraw your consent you will not receive help from our support.

If you consider your rights to be violated or your Data processing rules infringed, you are entitled to file a complaint with relevant supervisory authority. Default authority for such a complaint is Inspector General for Personal Data Protection in Poland (soon to be replaced by a new authority), however you may also lodge a complaint with any other personal data protection authority in an European Union member state.

Vivid Games S.A. is the Controller of the Data. All requests concerning your Data should be sent to: You can also contact us by means of phone (+48 523 215 728) or post (Oginskiego 2. 85092 Bydgoszcz, Poland).
For further details review our Privacy Policy: